Donate to highly effective climate change charities
Clean air task force
Climate emergency fund
Lawyers for Climate Action NZ logo




Donate to evidence-based climate change charities and achieve maximum impact.

Cool Earth logo
Evergreen Collaborative logo

Did you know?

The average Kiwi generates 7 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, while some of the charities we support can offset a ton of emissions for as little as $1 USD. This means that for the price of a cup of coffee you can offset your carbon emissions for 6 months! A lifetime of emissions can be offset for about the same cost as a new smartphone.

It’s Time to



Select your favourite charity to support or spread your donation across our hand-picked organisations. Making your donation via the Net Zero Fund allows you to claim a tax rebate (for NZ tax residents). The Net Zero Fund is a non-profit initiative and charges no fee for this service. Please note, standard payment processing fees apply.

Our progress...

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$ 0

The climate crisis is the biggest threat to our lives as we know it, and will disproportionately affect those who have done the least to contribute to it. The Net-Zero fund allowed us to fund charities that focused on solutions that were both practical and prioritised climate justice, and we were glad to find a way that allowed us to contribute from Aotearoa.”

From our blog

An intro to Rainforest Foundation US
Rainforest Foundation US are one of the incredible charities we support via the Net Zero Fund. You can read this post, watch the video below, or check out their website to learn more about what they do. To date, we have lost more than half of Earth’s original rainforests and...
10 ways YOU can help fight climate change!
Climate change is a big problem and can seem overwhelming. But there are some simple things that YOU can do to reduce your carbon footprint and help accelerate the transition to a sustainable future. Here are 10 effective ways to get started… 1. Drive less Road vehicles account for about...
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